I had the privilege of being a guest on the Lead Into It podcast with Sara Greco, to discuss the lessons I've learned as a leader, and how those lessons shaped my book, “The Table Maker,” a fable on work and meaning. Our conversation revolved around my approach to leadership, and how the (many) mistakes I've made along the way have impacted my effectiveness as a leader and encourager.
This episode is perfect for anyone who feels like they make mistakes (part of being human, right?) as a leader, and want to learn about selfless, values-driven leadership. Listen to it here, or on any app you use for podcasts.
I hope you listen to it, along with the other episodes of this engaging, effective podcast. Also, follow Lead into It on Instagram at @leadintoit, and reach Sara at leadintoitpodcast@gmail.com And if you have questions about leadership, finding meaning in your work, or have big ideas and don't know where to begin, I'd love to chat with you. Don't hesitate to reach out.